Mittelschule Peiting

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Mittelschule Peiting
Ludwigstraße 4a
86971 Peiting
Tel: 08861 2503-0
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English theatre "Saddle up"

On Friday December 2nd, the classes 5-7 went to the Schlossberghalle to watch the theatre play ‚Saddle up‘.

It was about cowboys in the wild west. The bad cowboys Wild Bill and Jethro Pumpernickel wanted to steal a diamond from the Indian girl Tiponi, but Sheriff Pertwee stopped them.

After the performance we asked the two actors Lydia and Rhys some questions. We found out that they are 21 and 26 years old and come from the UK. They are really nice and good actors and singers. The play was funny and we had a good time. 

Elena und Kerstin, 7M